Sunset at the Dili Beach Hotel - Trivia Night is held here every 2nd Tuesday to raise money for Bairo Pite Clinic - A fun night with people from all around the world. I was on a table with a man from Portugal, a women from Phillipines and a couple from South America (not sure which country). We came third - will have to do better next Tuesday!! |
What were they selling???? | Holly (Pre-med student from Seattle), Sonia & Natto (Timor Leste), Tim (GP from Gold Coast) and Pinky (Volunteer Nurse from Phillipines) |
These young babies were in the childrens ward and suffering from malnutrition. They are starting to put on weight which is great. Often the children are malnourised due to the mother being malnourished during pregnancy, but there are also those that become malnourished if the mother stops breastfeeding, or is unable to breastfeed. Dr. Dan certainly promotes breastfeeding to all the mothers who give birth at the clinic. The midwifes in the maternity ward are on an incentive for the number of births that occur in the clinic.
Poverty, of course, is a major issue with the children suffering from malnutrition.
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